
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is

Ubertooth Spectrum Analysis (Kali/Chromebook)

Ubertooth Setup

Once Kali is up and running on the Chromebook, the Ubertooth build guide is a good start.

However there are some issues with the guide and Kali/Chromebook,

  1. For the Bluetooth Base Band Library (libbtbb), install the following packages,
  • build-essential
  • libpcap-dev
  apt-get install build-essential libpcap-dev
  1. For Ubertooth Tools, install the following packages,
  • pkg-config (required to locate libusb development)
  • python-pyside (required for ubertooth-specan-ui)
  • python-numpy (required for ubertooth-specan-ui)
  apt-get install pkg-config python-pyside python-numpy
  1. The Kismet step specifies a download location of https://, but this fails with a SSL error, replace it with http://.

Kismet requires a few of the packages above; the rest of this guide assumes the Ubertooth guide was followed up to and including Kismet.

Spectools Setup

Again, it requires some extra development packages,

  • libusb-dev (spectools is not compatible with the version required by Ubertooth).
  • libgtk2.0-dev (required by spectool_gtk)

Once that is done, clone the spectool repository, configure, make and install,

  git clone https://www.kismetwireless.net/spectools.git
  cd spectools
  make install

If everything goes well there is now a fully functional spectrum analyzer @


Run it and a screen like this will appear,

Spectools Main SS

Click 'Open Device',

Spectools Open SS

Select 'Ubertooth One USB ...' and click 'Enable',

Spectools Analysis SS

And that's it, spectrum analysis via an Ubertooth and Spectools on a Kali/Chromebook.

